Overall impact
A (81)


Softbank is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 81.5 for overall impact (95th percentile compared to all companies), Softbank ranks 4th out of 20 industry peers, behind Telenet Group Holding, Telefonica and Vodafone, and ahead of Verizon, China Mobile, China Telecom and 13 others. On top material causes for Softbank's industry (Telecommunications), Softbank performs well in Fair Labor Practices (95.3 score), Technology Innovation (95.5), Arts and Culture Access (96.1) and 6 other causes where it received an 'A' score. Softbank did not receive a 'D' or 'F' rating on any cause.
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Overall impact

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Telecommunication Services
Wireless Telecommunication Services
Wireless Telecommunication Services
SASB industry
Telecommunication Services
Share classes
SoftBank Group Corp. provides telecommunication services in Japan and internationally. It operates through Investment Business of Holding Companies, SoftBank Vision Funds, SoftBank, Arm, and Other segments. The company offers mobile communications and solutions to enterprise customers, and broadband services to retail customers; and sells mobile devices and software tools, as well as related services. It also provides internet advertising and e-commerce services; payment and financial services; information and communication technology services products to enterprise customers; and communication device-related products and Internet of Things equipment to retail customers. In addition, the company engages in design of microprocessor intellectual property and related technology; alternative investment management; ownership of professional baseball team; operation of baseball games; management and maintenance of baseball stadium and other sports facilities; distribution of video, voice, and data content via media businesses. Further, it engages in the certification services, security solutions, and Linux/OSS businesses; operation of comprehensive IT information site ITmedia; sale of indirect materials such as consumable supplies; facility management; planning and operation of fashion e-commerce website; operational support of brands' own e-commerce website; operation of fashion coordination app; management of few funds; generation of electricity from renewable energy sources; and supply and sale of electricity. The company was formerly known as SoftBank Corp. and changed its name to SoftBank Group Corp. in July 2015. SoftBank Group Corp. was incorporated in 1981 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Softbank, based on its industry sub-industry Wireless Telecommunication Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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