Bakkafrost (BKFKF)

Overall impact
A (85)


Bakkafrost is a leader for overall positive impact. With an 'A' rating of 84.7 for overall impact (97th percentile compared to all companies), Bakkafrost ranks 2nd out of 46 industry peers, behind Wide Open Agriculture, and ahead of Fresh Del Monte Produce, Pingtan Marine Enterprise, Origin Agritech and 41 others. On top material causes for Bakkafrost's industry (Food), Bakkafrost performs well in Affordable, Safe Housing (95.7 score), Reduced Inequality (85.5), Improved Mental Health (95.7) and 15 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Child and Maternal Health (29.4 score) and Clean Water Access (24.9).
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Agricultural Products & Services
SASB industry
Agricultural Products
Share classes
P/F Bakkafrost, together with its subsidiaries, produces and sells salmon products in North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, and internationally. It operates through seven segments: Fishmeal, Fish Oil and Fish Feed; Freshwater FO; Freshwater SCT; Farming FO; Farming SCT; Services; and Sales & Other. The company's products include fresh and frozen whole salmon, fresh and frozen salmon fillets, fresh skin-packed salmon portions, frozen salmon portions and tails, frozen smoked salmon and salmon fillets, frozen salmon bits and pieces, frozen salmon off-cuts and belly flaps, frozen salmon heads, salmon backbones, and salmon skin under the Bakkafrost, 18 ISLANDS, HEIMLAND, BAKKA SALMON, NATIVE HEBRIDEAN, and LOCHLANDER brands. It is also involved in the production and sale of fishmeal, fish oil, and fish feed; production of eggs from breeding self-owned salmon strains; production of smolts; and on-growing of salmon. In addition, the company manages a fleet of farming service vessels; provides fish transportation, treatments, net cleaning, harvesting, freight ans logistical, and heavy marine support services; converts organic waste into biogas, heating, electricity, and fertilizers; produces styrofoam boxes; and optimizes the value creation and retention from the harvested fish. P/F Bakkafrost was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Glyvrar, Denmark.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Bakkafrost, based on its industry sub-industry Agricultural Products & Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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