Overall impact
B (69)


Irobot is a strong overall performer. With a 'B' rating of 68.7 for overall impact (80th percentile compared to all companies), Irobot ranks 2nd out of 51 industry peers, behind MillerKnoll, and ahead of Fortune Brands Home & Security, American Woodmark, Energy Focus and 46 others. On top material causes for Irobot's industry (Consumer Discretionary Products), Irobot performs well in Child and Maternal Health (95.0 score), Accountable Institutions (81.7), Equal Pay and Opportunity (80.6) and 6 other causes where it received an 'A' score and performs poorly in Humane Treatment of Animals (35.5 score).
Cause IRBT
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Overall impact

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Consumer Discretionary
Specialty Retail
Homefurnishing Retail
SASB industry
Building Products & Furnishings
Ma, United States
Share classes
iRobot Corporation designs, builds, and sells robots and home innovation products in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Japan, and internationally. The company offers floor care products, including Roomba floor vacuuming robots; Roomba accessories and consumables, such as the Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal, replacement dirt disposal bags for the Clean Base, filters, brushes, and batteries; Braava family of automatic floor mopping robots; and Braava accessories and consumables, which include cleaning solution, washable and disposable mopping pads, replacement tanks, and batteries, as well as subscription services. It also provides Root robots for coding, discovery, and play; Roomba Combo mopping and vacuuming robot; and accessories, including robot vacuum and mop, handheld vacuum, and air purifier, educational coding robot, and accessory bundles. The company sells its products through chain stores and other national retailers, value- added distributors, and resellers, as well as through its website and app, and e-commerce websites. iRobot Corporation was incorporated in 1990 and is headquartered in Bedford, Massachusetts.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for Irobot, based on its industry sub-industry Homefurnishing Retail. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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