China Everbright Environment (0257.HK)

Overall impact
D (39)


China Everbright Environment is a below-average overall performer. With a 'D' rating of 38.6 for overall impact (bottom 25% of all companies), China Everbright Environment ranks 38th out of 50 industry peers, behind Republic Services, Covanta, Avalon and 34 others, and ahead of Perma Fix Environmental Services, Vertex Energy, Canvest Environmental Protection Group and 9 others. On top material causes for China Everbright Environment's industry (Waste Management), China Everbright Environment performs poorly in Healthy Oceans (21.9 score), Sanitation Access (24.3), Terrestrial Biodiversity (18.9) and 3 other causes where it received a 'D' or 'F' score. China Everbright Environment did not receive an 'A' rating on any cause.
Cause 0257.HK
Peer rank
Overall impact

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Commercial Services & Supplies
Environmental & Facilities Services
SASB industry
Waste Management
Hong Kong
Share classes
China Everbright Environment Group Limited provides environmental solutions worldwide. The company's Environmental Energy Project Construction and Operation segment constructs and operates food waste and leachate treatment, sludge treatment and disposal, methane-to-energy, fecal treatment, fly ash landfill, medical waste treatment, and solid waste treatment projects, as well as waste-to-energy plants. Its Greentech Project Construction and Operation segment constructs and operates integrated biomass utilization, hazardous and solid waste treatment, and solar energy and wind power projects, as well as offers environmental remediation services. The company's Environmental Water Project Construction and Operation segment constructs, upgrades, and operates waste water treatment, water supply, reusable water and sludge harmless treatment, sponge city construction, river-basin ecological restoration, waste water source heat pump, and leachate treatment projects. This segment also researches and develops water environment technologies and engineering projects. Its Others segment conducts environmental protection technology research and development projects; provides environmental related technological, and protection project equipment construction and installation services; designs environmental protection projects; and sells related equipment. This segment also offers waste sorting, renewable resources utilization, and sanitation operation services; sells energy-saving street lamps; and provides energy management contract projects. It also operates biomass electricity and heat cogeneration projects and collects and treats municipal wastes. The company was formerly known as China Everbright International Limited and changed its name to China Everbright Environment Group Limited in September 2020. The company was incorporated in 1961 and is headquartered in Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Material causes
Ethos considers the following causes material for China Everbright Environment, based on its industry sub-industry Environmental & Facilities Services. Learn more about material causes in our methodology overview.

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