The problem
More than 750 million people in developing regions live on less than US$1.90 a day (the internationally agreed poverty line), and millions of others live on slightly more. Based on national reports, no less than 150 million people, or about 2 percent of the world's population, are homeless. An estimated 1.6 billion, or more than 20 percent of the world's population, lack adequate housing. Meanwhile, income inequality continues to rise in many parts of the world, and millions lack opportunities for safe, productive employment. Corporations have a central role to play in bringing people out of poverty and creating fair, inclusive economies. Corporations can contribute to this effort in many ways, including by creating good jobs (especially in low-income regions), paying a living wage, growing the economy through innovation, and ensuring inclusive and non-discriminatory practices internally and throughout supply chains
What this cause is about
economic justice
safe work environment
sexual harassment
fair wages
living wage
minimum wage
child labor
sustainable economies
UN Sustainable Development Goal 1
UN Sustainable Development Goal 2
UN Sustainable Development Goal 8
UN Sustainable Development Goal 10
UN Sustainable Development Goal 11
Company ratings
Company Rating
How ratings work
Ethos is using 434,488 unique data points since 2018 to rate companies, stocks and funds on inclusive economies, including from these metrics:
Metric Source